Apr 18, 2021
DISCLAIMER: This episode was recorded and released prior to the
arrest of one of its guests, Kyle Carrozza. We at Escape From Vault
Disney strongly condemn Mr. Carrozza's actions and offer our
deepest sympathies to his victims, and we will not be inviting him
on this podcast again in the future. That said, rather than attempt
to rewrite history, we have decided to leave this episode online
and intact as a time capsule of when it was made.
"Uh-oh." "Don't tell me. We're bypassing the randomizer this week
so Luke Ski can do his Guest's Choice episode on a beloved Disney
animation cult classic from the year 2000." "Yup." "Second-longest
episode ever?" "Most likely." (Dramatic pause) "Bring it on." Join
Tony Goldmark, Kyle A. Carrozza, Luke Ski and Lindsay Smith as they