Dec 25, 2019
The guy who played Michael Myers directed a Christmas movie!
What could possibly go wrong? This week, JUST in the nick of time
for Christmas, the randomizer picks a Disney Channel original movie
from 2001 starring Walter White as Bad Santa. Join Tony Goldmark,
Zach Hurst, Madeline Maye, Luke Ski and a Surprise Special Guest as
they sit through 'TWAS THE NIGHT!
DISCLAIMER: This episode was recorded and released prior to the
arrest of Kyle Carrozza, who appears briefly at the end. We at
Escape From Vault Disney strongly condemn Mr. Carrozza's actions
and offer our deepest sympathies to his victims, and we will not be
inviting him on this podcast again in the future. That said, rather
than attempt to rewrite history, we have decided to leave this
episode online and intact as a time capsule of when it was