Apr 28, 2021
This week, the randomizer picks a not-terribly-good Saturday morning cartoon from 1981 in which your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man joins forces with the Star-Spangled Man with a plan, and in a stunning oversight, not once does the latter sit on a backwards chair and lecture the former for getting detention....
Apr 18, 2021
DISCLAIMER: This episode was recorded and released prior to the arrest of one of its guests, Kyle Carrozza. We at Escape From Vault Disney strongly condemn Mr. Carrozza's actions and offer our deepest sympathies to his victims, and we will not be inviting him on this podcast again in the future. That said, rather than...
Apr 7, 2021
In this extra-long bonus minisode, we present a segment cut from last week's episode in which Tony Goldmark, Luke Ski, Ryan Hipp and our Surprise Special Guest list some of our favorite Muppet specials and series which could and should be available on Disney+, but for some reason...