Mar 25, 2020
Mar 18, 2020
Summer camp! What is it? Where did it come from? What does it want from us? This week the randomizer picks the final episode of a 2018 Disney Channel reality TV series designed to answer none of these probing questions. Join Tony Goldmark, Kevin Anderson, Zach Hurst and Chris Nebergall as they drink a tall frosty glass...
Mar 12, 2020
In 1996, the acclaimed Oscar-winning auteur behind The Godfather and Apocalypse Now saw fit to direct a PG-13 Robin Williams comedy about a ten-year-old trapped in the body of a forty-year-old. What could possibly go wrong? Join Tony Goldmark, Kevin Anderson, Zach Hurst and Chris Nebergall as they endure the existential...
Mar 4, 2020
Extree! Extree! Hear all about it! Randomizer chooses 2017 simulcast of 2012 Broadway musical based on 1992 cult classic musical! Join Tony Goldmark, Alessandra Dreyer, David Ganssle and Nicholas Bogroff Ganssle as they take in the theatrical spectacle that is NEWSIES: THE BROADWAY MUSICAL! Podcast, mistah? Only...